Stereo MC's CD 33 45 78 label Island Records 260 055 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: stereo mc's
Album Title (titre de l'album): 33 45 78
Version of Hey Joe: Song Part 2 sung to the tune of Hey Joe
Hendrix cover
(like Les Humphries Singers)
in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:44
Musical genre / Genre musical: Electronic, Hip Hop
Medium (Support): CD
Label: 4th & BROADWAY / ISLAND Records / GEE STREET
Cat. Number (Référence): UK: 260 055 / FR: RC650 / DE: 222
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: UK / France / Germany
©: recorded (enregistré): 1988
®: released (paru): 1989
Country of interpreter: Band from London, GB
Members: (membres) Stereo Mc's 1988
Rob Birch: Vocals
Nick “The Head” Hallam: producer, turntables
Owen If
Joined By:
Cath Coffey
Rachel Birch

Stereo MC's CD 33 45 78 label Island Records 260 055 cover out

Stereo MC's CD 33 45 78 label Island Records 260 055 cover in

Stereo MC's CD 33 45 78 label Island Records 260 055 tray

Stereo MC's CD 33 45 78 label Island Records 260 055 my own label cdstereomcsc260055betweenStereo MC's CD 33 45 78 label Island Records 260 055 label

I bought this CD in 1989 (1st release?). Compact Disc digital audio is not printed on the CD but on a sticker.
This error was subsequently corrected.
J'ai acheté ce CD en 1989 (première parution?). Compact Disc digital audio n'est pas imprimé sur le CD mais sur une étiquette autocollante.
Par la suite cette erreur a été corrigée.

same version on: / même version sur:

Stereo MC's CD 33 45 78 Island IMCD127 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: STEREO MC'S
Album Title / Titre de l'album 33 45 78
Version of Hey Joe: Song Part 2 sung to the tune of Hey Joe in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:44
Musical genre / Genre musical: Electronic, Hip Hop
Medium / Support: CD
Label: ISLAND Masters / 4th & BROADWAY / GEE STREET
Cat. Nr / Référence: IMCD 127 (842 457-2)
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: Germany (made in France)
©: recorded / enregistré: 1988
®: released / paru: 1989

Stereo MC's CD 33 45 78 Island IMCD127 cover out

Stereo MC's CD 33 45 78 Island IMCD127 cover in

Stereo MC's CD 33 45 78 Island IMCD127 labelstereomcscdimcd127betweenStereo MC's CD 33 45 78 Island IMCD127 tray

Stereo MC's CD 33 45 78 Island BRCD 532 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: STEREO MC'S
Album Title / Titre de l'album 33 45 78
Version of Hey Joe: Song Part 2 sung to the tune of Hey Joe in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:44
Musical genre / Genre musical: Electronic, Hip Hop
Medium / Support: CD
Labels: 4th & BROADWAY / ISLAND Records / GEE STREET
Cat. Nr / Référence: BRCD 532
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: UK
©: recorded / enregistré: 1988
®: released / paru: 1989

Stereo MC's CD 33 45 78 Island BRCD 532 labelstereomcscdbrcd532between1Stereo MC's CD 33 45 78 Island BRCD 532 tray

Stereo MC's LP 33 45 78 Island BRLP 532 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: STEREO MC'S
Album Title / Titre de l'album 33 45 78
Version of Hey Joe: Song Part 2 sung to the tune of Hey Joe in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:44
Musical genre / Genre musical: Electronic, Hip Hop
Medium / Support: LP
Labels: 4th & BROADWAY / ISLAND Records / GEE STREET
Cat. Nr / Référence: BRLP 532
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: Europa
©: recorded / enregistré: 1988
®: released / paru: 1989

Stereo MC's LP 33 45 78 Island BRLP 532 label 1stereomcsbrlp532between1Stereo MC's LP 33 45 78 Island BRLP 532 label 2stereomcsbrlp532between2Stereo MC's LP 33 45 78 Island BRLP 532 back

Stereo MC's LP 33 45 78 Island 210 055 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: STEREO MC'S
Album Title / Titre de l'album 33 45 78
Version of Hey Joe: Song Part 2 sung to the tune of Hey Joe in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:44
Musical genre / Genre musical: Electronic, Hip Hop
Medium / Support: LP
Label: 4th & BROADWAY / ISLAND Records / GEE STREET
Cat. Nr / Référence: 210 055 LP
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: Europa
©: recorded / enregistré: 1988
®: released / paru: 1989

Stereo MC's LP 33 45 78 Island 210 055 label 1stereomcs210055lpbetween1Stereo MC's LP 33 45 78 Island 210 055 label 2stereomcs210055lpbetween2Stereo MC's LP 33 45 78 Island 210 055 back

Stereo MC's LP 33 45 78  Island 127 (842 457-1) front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: STEREO MC'S
Album Title / Titre de l'album 33 45 78
Version of Hey Joe: Song Part 2 sung to the tune of Hey Joe in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:44
Musical genre / Genre musical: Electronic, Hip Hop
Medium / Support: LP
Labels: 4th & BROADWAY / ISLAND Records / GEE STREET
Cat. Nr / Référence: 842 457-1
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: Germany
©: recorded / enregistré: 1988
®: released / paru: 1989

Stereo MC's LP 33 45 78  Island 127 (842 457-1) label 1stereomcslp842457-1between1Stereo MC's LP 33 45 78  Island 127 (842 457-1) label 2stereomcslp842457-1between2Stereo MC's LP 33 45 78  Island 127 (842 457-1) back

Hendrix Covers