Arsene Obscene and The Loozers LP Raw Pops front

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PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Arsene Obscene and The Loozers
Album Title (titre de l'album): RAW POPS
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 2:33
Musical genre / Genre musical: 60's garage, Rock, Punk
Medium (Support): LP (300 copies made)
Label: Mono-Tone Records / Dangerhouse Skylab
Cat. Number (Référence): Mono-Tone Records # MT 066
Dangerhouse Skylab # DSL 090
Mono / Stereo: mono
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 2023
®: released (paru): 2023
Country of interpreter: Band from Nice, France
Members: (membres): Arsène Obscène : Lead singer, Guitar
Raoul Mizan (Misanthrope): Bass, vox
Le Marshall : Drums

Arsene Obscene and The Loozers LP Raw Pops label 1arsenebetween1Arsene Obscene and The Loozers LP Raw Pops label 2arsenebetween2Arsene Obscene and The Loozers LP Raw Pops back

tracklist (all songs by Arsène Obscène except "Hey Joe")
A1 Ready But It's Not For You 1:32
A2 Meet Me On The Corner 1:41
A3 Teach You 1:27
A4 When I See You Cry 1:46
A5 D.D.D.D.D.D.Demon 1:14
A6 Hey Joe 2:33
A7 The Flame Of Knowledge 1:13
A8 Wild Woman 1:53
B1 Inside France Lomay 1:01
B2 I Don't Know Why 1:45
B3 Dead You Are 1:43
B4 Escape The Screen 1:55
B5 Cha-Ching! 1:37
B6 Silly World 1:49
B7 Lies 1:44
B8 Look At Me 1:55

Arsene Obscene and The Loozers in 2023 picture
Arsène Obscène and The Loozers in 2023 (picture from Youtube)

Leaves Covers