playboys lp girl front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: The playboys
Album Title (titre de l'album): GIRL
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:13
Musical genre / Genre musical: 60's garage
Medium (Support): LP
Cat. Number (Référence): STOP 01B
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1985
®: released (paru): 1985
Country of interpreter: Band from Nice, France
Members: (membres) François Albertini: Vocals
Franck Durban: Bass, Backing vocals
Philippe Lejeune: Drums
Charles Loupiac: Keyboards
Fred Martinez: Guitar, backing vocals
Michel Negre: Guitar, backing vocals
Website / Site internet -

gb_flag Album of covers recorded in 4 tracks in a garage (except "Girl")
fr_flag Album de reprises enregistrées en 4 pistes dans un garage (sauf "Girl")

playboys picture
picture from a Playboys' EP (not Hey Joe on this one)

Leaves Covers