rata blanca picture
picture copyright © Rata Blanca
Album Title (titre de l'album): VOLVER VIVO
Version of Hey Joe: Hey Joe instrumental - Hendrix cover
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:38
Musical genre / Genre musical: Heavy metal
Medium (Support): Video Tape / CDr
Label: Show PuertaV (Argentina TV)
Cat. Number (Référence): -
Mono / Stereo: Mono
Origin of medium: Argentina
©: recorded (enregistré): 2001
®: released (paru): 2001
Country of interpreter: Band from Argentina
Members: (membres) Walter Giardino: lead Guitar / guitarra líder
Saúl Blanch: Vocals / voz
Gustavo Rowek: Drums / batería
Sergio Berdichevsky: Rhytm Guitar / guitarra rítmica
Guillermo Sánchez: Bass / bajo
Website: http://ratablanca.webnode.es/

live at the theater Gran Rex, Bueno Aires, Argentina on December 23, 2001

Hendrix Covers