heywoods single side hey joe PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: The heywoods
Album Title (titre de l'album): Hey Joe (feat: Sonny James)
Midnight Hours (feat:Johnny Schott)
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 2:19
Musical genre / Genre musical: 60's garage
Medium (Support): 7" single (1000 copies)
Cat. Number (Référence): BEA 507
Mono / Stereo: mono
Origin of medium: USA
©: recorded (enregistré): 1966
®: released (paru): 1966
Country of interpreter: 60's Band from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Members: (membres) Sonny James: Drums / Lead vocals on Hey Joe
Phil Beard: Guitar
Randy Jester: Sax
Bo Donaldson: Vocals, Trumpet, Keyboards
Johnny Schott: Lead Vocals on Midnight hour
Dave Flitner: Bass

gb_flag This is the first record of The Heywoods – this is the start of Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods
Bea Donaldson who is Bo Donaldson’s Mother - this record label Queen Bea was named after her - Bea – she was the manager

fr_flag Ceci est le premier disque des Heywoods - C'est le début de Bo Donaldson et les Heywoods
Bea Donaldson est la mère de Bo Donaldson. Le nom du label Queen Bea vient de son prénom. Elle était le manager (directeur)

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heywoods cd pass the caviar front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: The heywoods
album Title (titre de l'album) PASS THE CAVIAR
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 2:19
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD various
Label: Bosshoss
Cat. Nr / Référence: Private Comps
Mono / Stereo: mono
Origin of medium: ?
©: recorded (enregistré) 1966
®: released (paru) ?

heywoods cd pass the caviar front back

Sixties Performers